Free Live Workshop: The Art of Joyful Movement (Feb 26)


podcast Dec 11, 2020

A few episodes back, I interviewed Pack Matthews of the Soul Seat. We talked about movement, seated posture, and more. I have now been using the Soul Seat for over a month so I decided to offer my review. 

Check out the Soul Seat here and get 15% off when you use the code WELLNESSFORMAKERS at checkout.


Special thanks to Vacationland Music Company for creating the intro and the outro of the Wellness for Makers Podcast. 

Vacationland Music Company Instagram:


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podcast Dec 09, 2020

Hey Maker! 


This week we have Chloe Benjamin on the show! She is a A NY Times Bestseller, author of The Immortalists & The Anatomy of Dreams (which received the Edna Ferber Fiction Book Award), and an avid knitter. Her works have even been translated in over thirty languages! 


Chloe is originally from San Francisco, CA. She has always had a passion for the arts with writing being her constant love. In college she dove deeper into this and ultimately went on to become a graduate of Vassar College and earned her M.F.A. in Fiction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2014, she published The Anatomy of Dreams and in 2018 she published The Immortalists. In addition, Chloe has always found solace in her time spent knitting. She combined both of these arts and wrote an article titled “If Knitting is Causing You Pain, Read This” (be sure to check it out!). 


In this episode, we have an honest conversation with Chloe about both of...

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Uncategorized Nov 05, 2020

Hey Maker! 

Have you heard of Womanly Magazine? Womanly provides accessible health information to women and non-binary people through visual and literary art. Listen in to hear my conversation with Cheyenne Diaz, Development Director at Womanly. 

Cheyenne is a multidisciplinary writer and social impact director specializing in scaling social enterprises that serve Black and Brown women. As the Development Director for Womanly and the Social Impact Strategist for The Body: A Home for Love, she aligns partners, donors, and initiatives to realize the organizational vision and sustainability. She currently holds positions in both the not-for-profit and for-profit-sector with 6+ years of experience in media, development and education. Through this work, she intends to spur movements that shift cultural narratives about who is worthy of access, opportunity and joy.

Listen to my conversation with Cheyenne Diaz to learn more about the incredible work they are up...

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Uncategorized Nov 05, 2020

Hey Maker!


I often get asked, “what chair is the right chair for my studio practice?”. Have you considered this question? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this episode we have the creator of Soul Seat, Pack Matthews, with us. Pack is the founder of Ikaria Design Company and the Maker of Soul Seat. He is a designer and true advocate for movement. 

Pack comes from a family history of arthritis. He is no stranger to potential ailments in the body, so he began teaching Kripalu yoga to combat this potentially detrimental lifestyle. Eventually, he started looking deeper into progressing his own business as well as finding more methodology for wellness, especially in regards to sitting. Cue, Soul Seat! The Soul Seat is a bi-level chair designed to help you increase variety in your movements while working. The goal of the Soul Seat is to alleviate chronic pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle and to get you moving. 

Pack is also known for his...

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Hey Maker!

Have you ever wanted to live and make on the road? Then you are in the right place! Madison Hampton is the Founder of Vancrafted Studio. That’s right, a jewelry studio founded on wheels!

After graduating from Northern Michigan University School of Art and Design, Madison, her husband Gage, and their adorable Australian Shepherd Tobin, spent years living, making, and running a successful jewelry business on the road. They moved into a Chevy Express Van to live minimally and connect to the adventure that life called them towards.

In this episode, Madison shares the pros and cons of Van Life. We talked about what life on (and off!) the road has done to her overall wellness. Madison also offers some excellent business advice for any artist looking to get up and running on their own! She inspires all Makers to follow their dreams, lead a life of adventure, and to live authentically. 

What does living on the road have to do with Wellness? More than...

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Uncategorized Aug 14, 2020

Hey Maker!

I’m so excited to share this week’s conversation with you! Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya is neuroscientist who has found her way in art and design. She is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, TED speaker, and STEM advocate who works at the intersection of art, tech, science and social justice. In this episode, Amanda shares her story and explains what we can do as makers to help our brains age well.

A knee injury challenged her way of moving and coordinating, leading her to study neuroscience at Columbia where she worked at an Alzheimer's research lab. She was challenged by a professor to tell him how she shares the importance of the work she does in the lab with other people. From this question, Amanda decided to find a way to take a leap and move into art and design. Ultimately, her way of connecting science with the world is through art. 

Today, Amanda is a two-time TED speaker whose creative practice includes numerous projects, initiatives and...

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Hey Maker! 

In pain? Ouch! Let's get real though, most makers are! That's why I had Omni Kitts Ferrara on the Wellness for Makers Podcast. Omni is one of my movement teachers and she is an incredible inspiration. 

Omni was born into a family of movers. Years of dancing eventually lead her to the yoga world. She has her BFA in Dance, she is an E-RYT 500, RCYT, RPYT, FRC® Certified, Rocktape Certified, and a NASM-CPT. Not to mention she is the CEO of Yoga Mechanics! Did ya get all of that? Needless to say, Omni knows her sh** when it comes to the body, movement, and pain!  

In terms of pain, every single one of us has a unique pain expression, one that Omni notes is curated over the course of our life. After this conversation, you will hopefully leave with a greater understanding and an appreciation for your pain signals. Omni invites you to shift this difficult conversation with pain and maybe start to understand the basics of it in your very own body. She wants us...

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Hey Maker!

Do you have trouble sleeping after a long day of making… ever consider a bedtime story as a grown-up? Well- this week’s guest, Candace Rose Rardon along with the popular meditation app, Calm, have just the fix. Rardon is a writer, illustrator and visual storyteller who writes grown up bedtime travel tales for Calm’s Sleep Stories! 

Rardon’s journey begins as a travel writer turned travel sketcher. She earned her Master’s in travel writing with distinction from London’s Kingston University and then made the decision to start traveling with a sketchbook and a single set of watercolors. She has organically combined these 2 passions into one in order to create the ultimate storytelling experience. Especially through her grown up travel bedtime stories with Calm, where she helps you transition to sleep and quiet your mind. She has also had artist residencies with Google and Uber while she completed breathtaking murals for both...

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Uncategorized Jul 17, 2020

Hey Maker! 

Corey Pemberton and Annie Evelyn met at Penland School of Craft. After some lengthy and heated conversations about the lack of diversity in the fields of craft, art, and design, they founded Crafting the Future. An organization for everyone that wants to see more representation of artists in these fields. 

Crafting the Future was created because the field of craft in the United States does not reflect the full spectrum of people. Corey and Annie note that as groups of artists go unrepresented, an inaccurate and incomplete story is being told, sold, and preserved- and everyone loses. Crafting the Future works together and combines resources to support the careers of young, underrepresented artists by connecting them to opportunities that will help them thrive. Crafting the Future has existing participants across the country and partnering organizations in Louisiana (YAYA), Kentucky (STEAM Exchange), North Carolina (Penland School of Craft), and Maine (Haystack...

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Uncategorized Jul 10, 2020

Hey Maker! 

Let's be real, the impacts from COVID-19 have really impacted the artist community. The world feels very different and it can definitely leave us feeling defeated. Thankfully, there are incredible organizations out there like Artist Relief. This week, I am chatting with Moira Brennan, the Executive Director from MAP Fund to share about Artist Relief. 

Artist Relief is its own entity and it launched on April 8th. It is a coalition of 7 outstanding organizations: Academy of American Poets, Artadia, Creative Capital, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, MAP Fund, National YoungArts Foundation, and United States Artists—all small to mid-sized national arts grantmakers. These foundations have come together in this unprecedented moment guided by the understanding that the wellbeing of artists has financial, professional, social, and mental dimensions, and should be fostered with a holistic framework of support. From monetary relief to a Youtube channel dedicated...

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